Interview with Designer and Entreprenuer Casey Doss

After interviewing Casey Doss recently, I found myself humbled and inspired by the way he manages work and family life. He doesn’t let being extremely busy get his priorities out of order; an on-going battle for anyone, especially freelancers.

Who are you?

Casey Doss. 28. Married and father of two girls.

GOD: Chosen Volume 4

What do you do?

My first full-time design gig was for the Ramp. From there I opened a design/web company on my own (Fresh Pixel Studios). Then my father-in-law and I opened Digital Beauty which was web-based solutions for medical offices. I also designed for The Church Site Project, opened a blog called The Theological Circle, and co-owned a print shop called Printsmith with my brother-in-law. I have currently stepped out of all these roles and focus solely on ministry.ย ย I am also attending school online at Regent University to complete my theology degree.

CD Album Design: Ramp Worship: Beautiful

When did you get started in the creative industry?

I started working for our ministry about 6 years ago in the shipping department. It was HORRIBLE! I would get really bored so I had a friend install a version of Photoshop on my PC and I would play around on it when days got slow in shipping. It quickly became a lot of fun, so I started taking my machine home on weekends and read books and watched tutorials to tweak the skills. About one year into it, that became my full-time job at the ministry and from there I launched into my own design business endeavors.

Web Design: Mysterious Gateway

Where do you live and work?

I currently reside in Hamilton, AL and work for The Ramp ( Karen Wheaton Ministries ). I have actually moved completely out of the design area and now focus my energy toward our school of ministry. A dream come true!

T-Shirt Design: LOVE coming through your Head Phones

How do you manage work and family?

It was very difficult during the 40+ hour office days. I would make myself schedule work time, family time, time spent with God… and the schedule was non-negotiable. Didn’t get very much sleep for a couple of years ๐Ÿ™‚ But it was all worth it. My family stayed strong and God rewarded it. Now my schedule is much more flexible and I am at home all the time. The main thing for me was organizing chunks of time for certain things. It usually went something like this:

  • Up by 7 AM and at the office by 8 AM.
  • Get off work at 5 PM (try to eat lunch at home as much as possible to see the family).
  • Then from 5 PM to 9 PM was devoted family time; watching a movie with Lindsey, giving Analeise a bath, grilling out A LOT, etc.
  • Then from 9 PM to about 1 AM was time to seek God, study, develop messages and the like.

Make and plan and stick to it. Once you get in the rhythm it is actually very manageable.

T-Shirt Design: Searching for Crhistmas

What are your plans for the future?

The current vision is staying faithful with where God has me now, with hopes to one day plant a church in an awesome city and shake it for God. A city like Jackson Hole would be primo! I also want to establish my own Bible school one day. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Logo Design: The Ramp, School of Ministry


2 responses to “Interview with Designer and Entreprenuer Casey Doss”

  1. How did you hear about Casey?

    1. Met him through people I know at The Ramp in Hamilton, AL

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